Friday, July 15, 2011

Mental Wellness: Ear Aches from Noise Pollution

Constant noise exposure can lead to cardiovascular related diseases and affect our natural hearing sensitivity. As we know audio or sound levels is measured through decibels, and the legal decibel safe limit for humans is 40 decibels, anything beyond that disrupts our sleep patterns, and at the range of 85 decibels, the sound level and texture will lead to hearing damage and hearing loss. So tone down the noise pollution around you and give your ears a break.

Unplug those Ear Plugs
Those iPod earplugs and larger-than-life headsets at full blast will sure damage your hearing over time. It won’t hurt to cut down the volume on the ear tech once in a while.

Rage against the Machinery
Living next to a busy intersection filled with honking cars, a construction site, a factory, an airport or even a videoke bar is well into the nightmare scale of noise pollution. We can't possibly avoid these places all the time, but there are ways were we can minimize their effects.

Non-stop Yapping
Human-created noise is as much as annoying as it really sounds. It can eat you up emotionally and tear you apart particularly if you have noisy scream-fest neighbors, a constantly nagging partner, a loud barking dog that keeps you up at night. Find a way to de-stress your life from these daily noise pollutants.

If you find it quite impossible to avoid machinery noises, human-created noise or disruptive noises, at least find time during the day to take a quiet walk, even some little "Me" time to meditate and relax can help uplift your mood. Getting unplugged and switching off the noise as much as possible can do wonders for your mind, emotional wellness and mental state.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Cutting the Calories and Eating the Right Brain Food

One of the main reasons to cut the calories is to slow down the brain cells rapid decline. A study conducted by the University of Florida on lab rats on a specific food diet (40% restricted calorie-intake) turned out that the rats had higher levels of beneficial protein that protects against neuron death.

In a twist of brain food irony, another group of US researchers have found out that people who consume folic acid or folate supplements in large doses may end up in a faster state of mental decline when older. So too much of a good thing is really bad for you, make sure take supplements in moderation and never in heavy dosages.