Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Basic Rules to Keep a Healthy Body

In keeping fit, here are some simple rules to live by. They are easy to remember, but takes great will and discipline to follow through.

Food is Fundamental
Eating healthy means eating the right kinds of food, those rich in anti-oxidants such as fruits and vegetables. Also load up on iron-riched, low in fat and fiber foods.

Exercise equals Energy
To have more daily energy for your tasks, you have to expend energy on exercise. Exercise keeps heart risks at bay and sheds the unwanted pounds. Physical activity controls blood pressure, diabetes and prevents arthritis. It keeps us happy by having our serotonin levels at the optimum level.

Ditch the Cancer Stick
Smoking may help you deal with daily and impromptu stresses, but in the long run like what everyone knows- smoking kills and when it does the pain and suffering the body endures is merciless. It is a disgusting habit that ruins the teeth and even romantic moments like who wants to kiss people with cigar breath?

Cut the Alcohol
Humans are social animals and drinking is one social activity humans can't do without. The golden rule in drinking alcohol is moderation. Sometimes we can't avoid a few drinks with friends or at birthday parties, so its better to go easy and know your limit. Don't drink till you pass out! This is embarassing and very unhealthy! Too much alcohol can lead to hypertension, liver and gastric problems.

Visit the Doctor
Ideally, its good to visit a general practitioner twice or once a year. For specific ails and illnesses, you may go for a specialist or be referred by a GP to a specialist. One shouldn't keep postponing trips to the doctor, its better to find out early whatever ailment you might have. Delaying treatment will only cause an illness to get worse. Why wait till its too late?

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