Monday, March 14, 2011

Enjoy Great Skin at Any Age without Breaking the Bank

Stop fretting about lines and creases, they do happen when we reach a certain age, but that doesn't mean we can't have a flawless face at any age- we can age gracefully and minimize the lines.

When wrinkles begin to form, you should ante up on your anti-aging beauty regimen and does not include going for surgical intervention. A diet and sleep pattern intervention is enough to turn the clock around.

  • Firm skin with the basic body rule- 8 or more glasses a day. This is true to form and keepng skin hydrated will also make it have a natural glow.
  • Sugar means Sagginess. Notice how some of us have that plumpy or edema-like bulge on our faces, that's the sugar talking! Sugar causes cell inflammation, so go easy on the sweets.
  • Avoid Sun Damage. Too much UV rays exposure contribute to rapid aging of the skin, be vigilant with the SPF.
  • Heal with Vegetables. Get as many anti-oxidants into your system from Vitamin A and E rich foods such as broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and berries. That cucumber is not just good on your eyes, its also good for a bite!

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