Friday, June 24, 2011

A Gingerly Solution: Ginger Hot Compress

Ginger root is known as an herbal remedy for osteoarthritis and rheumatism. It has anti-inflammatory properties that relieves and soothes arthritic conditions. Here’s a natural ginger remedy you can do at home.

First, a ginger massage. Grate and unpeel a handful of fresh ginger root. Squeeze and extract the fresh ginger juice through a blender. Add a drop of olive oil. Gently rub the ginger blend on your arthritic area. You may store the remaining mixture for later use.

Using some of the extract and pieces of grated ginger root create a hot compress by dipping a hot cloth in the juice. Wrap the grated pieces of ginger root in the cloth and put the cloth over the inflamed and painful area. Place a hot water bottle on top of it and wrap a towel around to keep the ginger poultice in place. Make sure the cloth is not too hot, be careful not to burn yourself. After awhile you will feel the warm yet comforting burning sensation of the ginger working on your inflamed joint.

And while you’re well into your ginger therapy, relax and drink some ginger tea!

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