Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Low Impact Exercises Can Alleviate Back Pain

An aching back is a big burden over time. Back pain may be caused by being out of shape, our genes or the repetitive strain we get at our jobs and even emotional issues can add stress on our backs too. 

But what can one do to relieve the body of recurring back pain?

I can't stress the importance of seeing a doctor about any Chronic or nagging back pain. There are so many underlying causes for it- disease, injury even depression. Some people are just unaware that their backs might need immediate medical attention.

But still what can one do on their own to alleviate the stress of back pain?

There are activities that are low-risk for acute and chronic back pains. Some are cheap, you can even do at home or on your spare time. These are are low-impact sports or low impact activities.

The best fitness regimen are a mix of aerobic, strengthening and flexibilty exercises given a period of time. It's very important to do the right kind of exercise  with the right posture and the right body routine. As many back-friendly exercises are designed to target a specific muscle or ligament.

Do remember that exercising improperly or too intensely can cause back pain.

Try these low impact activities that are good for the back:
• Walking
• Hiking
• Swimming
• Biking
• Ball Room Dancing
• Tai Chi
• Yoga
• Pilates

High-risk sports that can cause back pain:

• Weightlifting
• Football
• Tennis
• Gymnastics

Initially, these activities or exercises may not be pain-free, muscles that haven't tasted any movement in years will complain of pain in the beginning, but if you stay committed to your exercise program, you will reap the benefits of being back pain free. Do not quit exercising once you start to feel better. Keeping your body active will make it strong and flexible in the long run.

Start slow until you active back stability, you can further change the duration and intensity of your fitness program. The way to healing is to restore your ability to do normal daily activities and being as active as possible.