Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Low Impact Exercises Can Alleviate Back Pain

An aching back is a big burden over time. Back pain may be caused by being out of shape, our genes or the repetitive strain we get at our jobs and even emotional issues can add stress on our backs too. 

But what can one do to relieve the body of recurring back pain?

I can't stress the importance of seeing a doctor about any Chronic or nagging back pain. There are so many underlying causes for it- disease, injury even depression. Some people are just unaware that their backs might need immediate medical attention.

But still what can one do on their own to alleviate the stress of back pain?

There are activities that are low-risk for acute and chronic back pains. Some are cheap, you can even do at home or on your spare time. These are are low-impact sports or low impact activities.

The best fitness regimen are a mix of aerobic, strengthening and flexibilty exercises given a period of time. It's very important to do the right kind of exercise  with the right posture and the right body routine. As many back-friendly exercises are designed to target a specific muscle or ligament.

Do remember that exercising improperly or too intensely can cause back pain.

Try these low impact activities that are good for the back:
• Walking
• Hiking
• Swimming
• Biking
• Ball Room Dancing
• Tai Chi
• Yoga
• Pilates

High-risk sports that can cause back pain:

• Weightlifting
• Football
• Tennis
• Gymnastics

Initially, these activities or exercises may not be pain-free, muscles that haven't tasted any movement in years will complain of pain in the beginning, but if you stay committed to your exercise program, you will reap the benefits of being back pain free. Do not quit exercising once you start to feel better. Keeping your body active will make it strong and flexible in the long run.

Start slow until you active back stability, you can further change the duration and intensity of your fitness program. The way to healing is to restore your ability to do normal daily activities and being as active as possible.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Philippine Narra Tree: Nature's Immune Booster

Stress is a problem nowadays. We are faced with different kinds of stress, not just work-related, there’s also biochemical stress – from chemicals, from food intake, emotional stress, pattern of lifestyle such as losing sleep, drinking, smoking. Everything that constitutes an unhealthy lifestyle. Losing sleep or irregular sleeping patterns also causes one to age faster and lowers the immune system.

When it comes to food, a lot are processed, no longer natural. That is why antioxidants are needed, to live a healthy lifestyle means taking care of your body with enough rest, exercise, eating the right food, drinking enough water and taking only natural food supplements. All these health tips come from alternative health expert, Dr. Sonny A. Viloria, a General Practitioner and Natural Therapist, and strong supporter of narra.

“Narra is known to be a very effective antioxidant, particularly a blood purifier”, says Dr. Viloria, "It is good for those with conditions of hormonal imbalance, and prostate problems. It also helps lose weight.”

Other conditions narra has helped improve are prostate problems, and lung and breast cancers. He stresses, however, that the intake of narra does not replace the intake of regular prescribed medication. Narra acts more as an immune booster which enhances what your body naturally has. It targets whatever is unbalanced in the body, it is your way of healing yourself naturally. Extensive research has shown that the phytochemicals in narra have been found to have anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, tumor-represant, anti-HIV agent, and an extremely potent fungicide.

Having cited all the conditions narra helps improve, does this mean this food supplement is only for those who are sick? “One does not necessarily have to be sick to take narra. Ordinarily, anybody can take narra as an antioxidant to help prevent illnesses by boosting your immune system. Make it a part of a healthy lifestyle,” Dr. Viloria recommends.

You can now avail of the benefits this patented, immune booster food supplement brings through Natursentials Rosewood (Narra Bark & Wood Food Supplement), available in tea and capsules only at Naturteq Direct Inc. For more information, you may contact Naturteq Direct Inc. at telephone no. 4709980, visit their website at or email at

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Basic Rules to Keep a Healthy Body

In keeping fit, here are some simple rules to live by. They are easy to remember, but takes great will and discipline to follow through.

Food is Fundamental
Eating healthy means eating the right kinds of food, those rich in anti-oxidants such as fruits and vegetables. Also load up on iron-riched, low in fat and fiber foods.

Exercise equals Energy
To have more daily energy for your tasks, you have to expend energy on exercise. Exercise keeps heart risks at bay and sheds the unwanted pounds. Physical activity controls blood pressure, diabetes and prevents arthritis. It keeps us happy by having our serotonin levels at the optimum level.

Ditch the Cancer Stick
Smoking may help you deal with daily and impromptu stresses, but in the long run like what everyone knows- smoking kills and when it does the pain and suffering the body endures is merciless. It is a disgusting habit that ruins the teeth and even romantic moments like who wants to kiss people with cigar breath?

Cut the Alcohol
Humans are social animals and drinking is one social activity humans can't do without. The golden rule in drinking alcohol is moderation. Sometimes we can't avoid a few drinks with friends or at birthday parties, so its better to go easy and know your limit. Don't drink till you pass out! This is embarassing and very unhealthy! Too much alcohol can lead to hypertension, liver and gastric problems.

Visit the Doctor
Ideally, its good to visit a general practitioner twice or once a year. For specific ails and illnesses, you may go for a specialist or be referred by a GP to a specialist. One shouldn't keep postponing trips to the doctor, its better to find out early whatever ailment you might have. Delaying treatment will only cause an illness to get worse. Why wait till its too late?

The Importance of Calcium and Calcium-rich Foods

What would our bones and teeth be without the goodness of Calcium?

Our body needs Calcium and other nutrients such as phosporous to maintain bone strength and density. Though we know bones to be this hard material covered by skin and muscles, it is still a living tissue that needs to be maintained and nurtured. We must keep our bones healthy to prevent fractures and from thoroughly becoming brittle.

Our bones will stop growing in length by time we're 18 and by the time we reach 30, we are now close to our Peak Bone Mass which refers to the bone's size and strength. Between the ages of 35 and 40, the bones begin to break down faster. At about this age, we should be more vigilant with othe food we eat and our lifestyle to counter the risk of Osteoporosis. In women, bone loss is also caused by the effects of pregnancy.

But what is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that happens when the body fails to form enough new bone. This leads to bone fragility, increasing the chances of fractures even without incidents of injury or fall.

Here are some dietary sources of Calcium that can help fight Osteoporosis:

  • Dairy Products - Milk, cheese, yoghurt.
  • Soy Foods - Tofu, soybeans, beancurds, soy sauce and soy milk
  • Vegetables - Pechay (Kai Lan), carrots, kale, spinach, broccoli
  • Seafoods - salmon, oysters, crabs, mussels, sardines and prawns
  • Fruits and Nuts - Brazil nuts, almonds, dried figs, oranges, dates and raisins.

All Natural is Delightful

Modern times no longer require us to hunt for the food we eat. The new wilderness is the supermarket.

One shouldn't lose our natural instinct for foraging, knowing what's edible and what's poisonous, what's healthy and unhealthy.

This new wilderness no longer requires us to sniff and sift through raw food, but rather to read past the label, decipher nutritional content and decide what's healthy to eat. We need to be choosy to survive. But this is hard when all these processed food, chemical treated and artificial treats are honestly delicious to taste and often tempting. They cater to our sweet tooth and our palate that seeks out instant comfort food.

These junk and processed foods will always be there along side natural and healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and sea foods. The choices we make for our bodies and our children's food intake can impact us throughout our lifetime, so we must choose well and wisely.

We can choose to live by the mantra 'All Natural is Delightful'